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作者:admin 发表时间:2023-09-21 [浏览量:2]
摘要:党内统计公报:党员9514.8万名 Membership was 3.5 percent up from the figure reported at the end of 2019, and approximately 20 times more than the figure in 1949 when the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) was founded, the Organization Departme


  Membership was 3.5 percent up from the figure reported at the end of 2019, and approximately 20 times more than the figure in 1949 when the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) was founded, the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee said in the report.中组部统计公报指出,全国党员总量比2019年底增长3.5%,比1949年新中国成立时的448.8万名增长约20倍。

  About 2.31 million people joined the CPC in the first half of this year, the statement added.今年上半年,全国新发展党员231.2万名。

  The continuous increase of members has shown the strong vitality of the Party and the prosperity of the Partys cause.更多的新鲜血液加入党的队伍,彰显出党的强大生机与活力,展现出党的事业兴旺发达、欣欣向荣的蓬勃气象。


  The composition of Party membership has continuously improved, featuring a rising number of young members, higher education level, and steady growth in the proportion of female members and those from ethnic minority groups, according to the report.党员队伍结构不断优化。年轻党员持续增加。文化程度明显提高。女党员、少数民族党员比重不断提升。

  Nearly 23.68 million Party members, or 24.9 percent of the total membership, were aged 35 or younger, 0.7 percentage point higher than the rate at the end of 2019, with 52 percent of the Party members holding junior college degrees or above.35岁及以下党员达2367.9万名,占党员总数的24.9%,比2019年底提高0.7个百分点。具有大专及以上学历的党员达4951.3万名,占党员总数的52.0%。

  As of June 5, the CPC had 27.45 million female members, accounting for 28.8 percent of the total membership, compared with merely 11.9 percent in the early days of New China. Meanwhile, the proportion of members from ethnic minority groups has grown from 2.5 percent to 7.5 percent. The total number of Party members from ethnic minority groups has reached 7.135 million, with each of the 55 ethnic minority groups in China having a certain number of Party members.与新中国成立初期相比,女党员占比由11.9%提高至28.8%,总量达2745.0万名。少数民族党员占比由2.5%提高至7.5%,总量达713.5万名,全国55个少数民族都有一定数量的党员。

  Workers and peasants remain the majority of the CPC members, accounting for 33.9 percent of the total membership, with their total number currently 11.6 times the figure in 1949, data from the report shows.工人和农民仍是党员队伍主体,占党员总数的33.9%,数量是新中国成立时的11.6倍。

  Among the CPC members, 10.61 million are management personnel in enterprises, public institutions and social organizations, while 15 million are professional and technical personnel, making up 11.2 percent and 15.8 percent of the total respectively.党员队伍中,企事业单位、社会组织管理人员1061万名、占11.2%,专业技术人员1500多万名、占15.8%。


  All the neighborhood offices in urban areas, townships, communities and administrative villages have established primary-level Party organizations, according to the report.全国城市街道、乡镇、社区(居委会)、行政村已建立党组织。


  Since the 18th CPC National Congress in late 2012, a total of 255,000 resident work teams have been sent to impoverished villages and more than 3 million people have been dispatched to serve as first secretaries and village officials to boost poverty eradication efforts on the front lines.党的十八大以来,全国累计选派25.5万个驻村工作队、300多万名第一书记和驻村干部,助力打赢脱贫攻坚战。

  More than 3.3 million primary-level Party organizations and 39 million Party members have been mobilized to assist the fight against COVID-19.组织动员330多万个基层党组织、3900多万名党员干部投身新冠肺炎疫情防控。


  基层党建primary-level Party building

  社区治理community governance

  国家治理体系和治理能力现代化modernization of Chinas governance system and capacity

  统一战线the united front

  立党为公、执政为民the Party’s commitment to building itself for the public good and exercising power for the people

  全心全意为人民服务根本宗旨the fundamental purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly

  以人民为中心的发展思想the people-centered philosophy of development

  保持党同人民群众的血肉联系to maintain the Party’s close bond with the people

  全面从严治党to practice/exercise strict self-governance in every respect

  中国共产党领导的多党合作和政治协商制度the system of multiparty cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the CPC

  党的全面领导overall Party leadership

  党总揽全局、协调各方The Party exercises overall leadership and coordinates the efforts of all.

  党的领导、人民当家作主、依法治国有机统一(to ensure that) the Party’s leadership, the people’s position as masters of the country, and law-based governance form an indivisible whole


  (中国日报网英语点津 Helen)


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